
Nicer Notes

Intro to BoomCat!

Fast animation project, which will run for a year, and will consist of 12 mini animations, starting on - not without reason - on April’s Fool’19. It is to be fun, colourful and visually striking. A light content, impactful visuals, fully hand-painted and edited in AE, this charming story will follow a character #boomcatbynatka and it’s visual endeavours.

Here it is, first one in. If you use GIPHY there use this link for sharing, or share directly from here please credit if you do so #boomcatbynatka @natkastudio.

Brief constraints (Per each MINI):

Time limit: 2 working days
Publication: 1st of every month, for a period of 12 months
Visuals: Strong, colourful and stirking

Natalia Wilkoszewska